Publishing procedures, statements and contract with authors


Licence agreement:

Each author should download, complete, sign, scan and then send license agreement to:


Statement on maintaining scientific accuracy:

Each author should download, complete, sign, scan and then send declaration to



Each article needs to go through a review process before being accepted for publication. Each article is evaluated by at least 2 reviewers from 2 different scientific institutions and none of them can be a parent scientific institution of the Author (“double-blind peer review”). Only a successful completion of the review process guarantees publication of the article in the journal “Law of the Electronic Media”.

The author who is a student, master of law, including a PhD student, assistant or trainee, should attach the recommendation/review of the article prepared by the academic supervisor with at least a PhD degree.

The list of reviewers issuing opinions for articles published in the journal “Law of the Electronic Media” is determined by the Publisher. Only in justified cases it is possible to appoint a reviewer from outside the list of reviewers indicated by the Publisher. The author should then refer to the Publisher with an indication of the reviewer along with the justification for the need to make such a choice.

The reviewer makes a statement about the absence of a conflict of interest, i.e. in particular about the absence of direct personal relationships, professional relationships, or direct scientific cooperation during the 3 years before the review, after receiving information about the Author and the article.

The reviewer assesses the article in accordance with the criteria placed on the review forms within 30 days of receiving the article.

Each review ends with admission to the publication without corrections, rejection of the article or presentation the guidelines for changes and corrections necessary for introduction before the publication of the article. If it is necessary to amend the article and review it again, article with the comments of the reviewer are sent to the Author, who has 7 days from the date of receiving information about the changes to introduce the changes and to send the finished article to the Publisher again. Then the article is sent to the Reviewer, who has 14 days to check it again. The final review consists of two review forms – the first review made before any changes and the review form supplemented after making necessary changes by the Author. If the article requires minor corrections but does not require re-review, the Author has 7 days to send the corrected article for publication after receiving information about the necessary corrections in the article.

The Publisher abstains from exerting any influence on the reviewer’s opinion – both in the period preceding the preparation of the review and during its implementation. In addition, the Publisher ensures the confidentiality and anonymity of reviews. The Author’s data is passed on to the Reviewer in order to determine the existence of a possible conflict of interest, while the Reviewer’s data is not disclosed to the Authors (only comments on the article are provided, if necessary).

The Publisher reserves the right to appoint another Reviewer in contentious situations or to resolve the problem on its own.

The final decision about publishing the article is up to the Publisher.


  1. The Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics at the University of Wrocław is the Publisher of the journal “Law of the Electronic Media”.
  2. The journal “Law of the Electronic Media” is a quarterly, therefore it is published 4 times a calendar year. The journal “Law of the Electronic Media” is published in January, April, July and October. The Publisher reserves the right to change the frequency of publishing the journal.
  3. The authors send the article via e-mail to the Publisher at the e-mail address
  4. The Publisher reserves the right to choose articles accepted for publication subjectively on the basis of specific criteria.
  5. The preliminary assessment of the article made by the Publisher includes the following elements:
    • compliance of the article’s subject with the journal’s profile;
    • originality of issues raised;
    • topicality of the problem;
    • the level and scientific value of the article;
    • compliance of the article with the principles of text editing.
  6. The article is reviewed after preliminary Publisher’s approval in accordance with the adopted Review Procedure, that is a condition of publishing the article in the journal.
  7. The Publisher submits the article to the Editor and then to publication after receiving positive reviews
  8. Editorial work, referred to in the previous paragraph, includes:
    • editing the text;
    • language correction;
    • typesetting and text makeup;
    • preparation of the journal’s cover design;
    • printing.
  9. In all matters concerning the journal, please contact the Publisher by sending an e-mail to the address
  10. This Publishing Procedure can be changed at any time.
  11. In all matters not regulated in this Publishing Procedure, the Review Procedure or the Editorial Rules, the Publisher makes decisions.


  • language: Polish, English, German, Russian
  • MS Word (.doc or .docx)
  • font style: Times New Roman
  • font size: the main text – 12 pt., footnote – 10 points
  • line spacing: 1.5 line (for footnotes – 1 row)
  • the volume of the article: to 40,000 characters with spaces
  • margins: Standard – all 2.5 cm
  • as a way to highlight text apply only italic
  • Footnotes: cross-referenced footnotes should be Arabic numerals; reference should be placed immediately after the passage to which the footnote (before the period ending sentence)
  • article must be accompanied by a bibliography divided into sources and literature
  • article must be accompanied by key words in Polish and English
  • the title should be written in Times New Roman 14 pt (bold)
  • the text should be divided on the issue
  • intertitles should not be numbered, but bold
  • article must be accompanied by biographical note (approx. 800 characters including spaces)
  • article must be accompanied by a summary in Polish (approx. 1500 characters with spaces)
  • article must be accompanied by a summary and title of the article in English (approx. 1500 characters with spaces)
  • please indicate affiliation

The referenced sources should adhere to the following style:

Initial(s). Last name, Title, edition number if applicable, volume, part, etc., place and year of publication, followed by the page(s) referred to with the ‘p. (pp.)’ abbreviation, e.g.:

  1. Kowalski, How to do references?, Vol. 2, Warszawa 2006, pp. 12-13.

For subsequent reference made directly to the cited item:

Ibidem, pp. 15-16.

Further reference, when citing only one position by a given author:

  1. Kowalski, op. cit., pp. 29-20.

Further reference, when several positions by a given author are being cited, include the first words of the title, e.g.:

  1. Kowalski, How to…, pp. 28-29.

For edited volumes, when the publication referenced forms part of the whole:

  1. Igrek, Citing, [in:] J. Kowalski (ed.), How to do references?, Vol. 2, Warszawa 2006, pp. 12-13.

For publications in periodicals, the title of the periodical replaces the name of the publisher, followed by the year, comma, then the number (No.) within the year, possibly the consecutive number and page numbers:

  1. Kowalski, How to do references?, Editorial news 2006, No. 28 (236), p. 7.

A few special issues:

  1. The following designation of a legal act is expected:

Journal of Laws of 2006, No. 28, item 46. The publishing body should only be provided when referring to the act for the first time. Then the name and date of the act (month – in words) shall be given in the body of the text (e.g. The Act of 13 April on the rules of writing articles) and the publishing body shall be given in the footnote (e.g. Journal of Laws of 2006, No. 28, item 456).

  1. When writing article, paragraph, point of a legal act, abbreviations should not be separated by commas, that is: art. 28 par. 59 point (no full stop!) 36, not: art. 28, par. 59, point. 36)
  2. For court judgements, please use the following designations:

Judgement of the Supreme Court of 11 May 2012, I CA 123/11, OSNCP 2011, No. 8,

item 34. Where the name of the judgement and its date should be indicated in the main

text (e.g. Judgement of the Supreme Court of 11 May 2011) and the publishing body

in the footnote (that is, I CA 123/11, OSNCP 2011, No. 8, item 34).